Thursday, July 2, 2009

And they say there's a recession?

Much has been made lately of the economy sucking eggs right now--and how this is unfortunately, having a negative impact on many nonprofit organizations. LLS isn't immune to this, and the consequences of less funding coming in can make a huge difference: research that's critical to finding the next breakthrough may have to be put on hold or make do with fewer dollars; critical programs that help patients and their families may have to be downsized. Our mission as TNT runners/fundraisers is more important than ever, and yet it's no secret that it's probably one of the toughest fundraising environments out there right now.

Which is why I'm totally floored--and PSYCHED--that people's generosity still shines through brightly and clearly despite the challenging economy.

Two weeks ago, I made the (admittedly scary) decision to switch from the Nike Women's Marathon to the Royal Victoria Marathon. Doing so meant that I would go from having met--and actually, exceeded--my fundraising minimum to having to be even scrappier to raise $750 more to meet a new, higher minimum.

What's a TNTer to do? Buckle down and get to work, of course. So out went a new batch of emails, planning went into a new bake sale and a karaoke party fundraiser, and numerous links to my fundraising site were plastered all over Facebook. And folks, if there was ever any doubt, there shouldn't be now: THIS. STUFF. WORKS.

In the last week, I've managed to raise $150--$125 of which came in the last 2 days alone!

It just goes to show that even when the economy is struggling, people understand the value of what this incredible organization does. So THANK YOU to all of you who have been supporting me on this journey--your generosity is making all sorts of impossible things possible.

Did I convince ya to help yet? It's SUPER easy! Just visit and you're one click away from helping a vital cause.

Thank you!

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